Sunday, November 15, 2009

Viral Load Std Needed If You Have A Viral Load Of 600 Does It Mean That You Are HIV Positive Before You Could Test For HIV?

If you have a viral load of 600 does it mean that you are HIV positive before you could test for HIV? - viral load std needed

Have a positive viral load means that you should have HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases cause the viral load to be positive?


timks6 said...

If she had a viral load of HIV, indicating that viruses that are currently active against HIV in the blood. There are other viral load may have to do is to say, hepatitis C, B, or viral load. So if you have HIV viral load was associated with a profit of 600 units or more by showing a rule the patient is HIV positive is the possibility of false positive. If the first test was conducted, I would say, an analysis of repetition, and genotype of HIV. And know your doctor about your lab results, we SchmOS in the Q & A make sure what kind of testing.

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