Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ross Kemp On Gangs America Is America That Bad(Ross Kemp On Gangs In LA )?

Is america that bad(Ross Kemp On Gangs in LA )? - ross kemp on gangs america

Ross Kemp on gangs in LA now seeing
And I never heard of Los Angeles. The bad.and was black and a Latino PPL is that the black man had said that PPL'm 90 "and more power and their fear in 50/50 now I go to America, but now I'm afraid the middle, Latin'm because you're black, but not see, but I'm asking ..... ur Ethiopia xim easy, why not consider PPL just no reason to
If u know something like this are a way for the gangs in their gang shooting stupid and my friend would have never fought or made by Shootings Kill 2 PPL should stop before England and Los Angeles, however, that I am not the country it has do not pay for something if PPL 2 By what right to shoot them and not other horrible life PPL (sorry so long)


Minny said...


Poor you. I saw that it is not too scary. Do not understand Just why this is so, but honey can happen anywhere in the world.

Enjoy every day and make the most of his life.

I can not explain why people do this or pleasure is really sad. Why can not live any simply connected.

Well, they say a lot of this has to believe in drugs, prostitution and money laundering, and owners that grass.

I would say that, even if you are on vacation and see how you feel, you know, if this move is the right time to win.

Remember that is your life, make the best of it.

We hope that everything that works for you honey. Good luck. And relax

Minny said...


Poor you. I saw that it is not too scary. Do not understand Just why this is so, but honey can happen anywhere in the world.

Enjoy every day and make the most of his life.

I can not explain why people do this or pleasure is really sad. Why can not live any simply connected.

Well, they say a lot of this has to believe in drugs, prostitution and money laundering, and owners that grass.

I would say that, even if you are on vacation and see how you feel, you know, if this move is the right time to win.

Remember that is your life, make the best of it.

We hope that everything that works for you honey. Good luck. And relax

Jack MAH BOI said...

America is HUGE
its like its a planet itself
Alaska is covered with snow, theres every bit in the wilderness, civilized bits, etc.
not in the same place

Celina L said...

There are groups all over the world! Not only the United States. I used to go to Los Angeles to hang so much and I never bothered or something.

Ian S said...

It is a TV show ...

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