Monday, November 16, 2009

Lime Desease Quick Q About Lime Desease.?

Quick Q about lime desease.? - lime desease

Long ago, Mabye I was 6-7 or something like that, and I had a tick, I never realized until I had red rings around an area, the tick was gone. My Docter gave me the cream, and never left, idk people do not remember much, but my mother said I could have done if I have problems with lime. But I say: "It's bad, long-term problems?" Bad things? Is this dangerous and I should make about you when you get older.



first_1e... said...

Besides, I had when I was younger, but never decisive. Mine was really bad and led to a paralysis of the bells and lost control on the left side of my face. We need to check if you have any signs of him. Mine cleared all the way and had no problems, but when I said that it can cause worse things

tiny_tot... said...

If you probly Arent, which are the symptoms have nothing to fear, most people caught the disease, treated with lime and have a weak immune system, but while others show usually no other signs or symptoms

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